Protection under the Ritadoman

The Ritadoman is an entity who is so retarded and ugly, if you look at him, you will die from eye poisoning. Ritadoman means Retard Man in japenese.
Here are the steps to protect yourself from the Ritadoman:
# Get 6 candles.
# Get salt.
# Take all your clothes off.
# Surround yourself with the candles.
# Make a circle of salt surrounding you and the candles.
# Close your eyes and say "Why are you such a retard? Why, oh why?"
# The Riadoman will pop up behind you, keep your eyes closed or else he will do something nasty to you. (Remember, your clothes are off.)
# Keep saying the same thing and he will never go near you again.
# Keep your clothes off or else he will come back.
# Go to sleep and then wake up in the morning.
# Put your clothes back on
# You are done! And, you will never go near the Ritadoman ever again!